I Will Never Dessert You.

I think it's safe to say that the people who know me will also know how much I love to bake. I think it is easily a part of my identity. And truthfully speaking, I never thought that could or would change. As this year progressed however, it started to become more of the opposite. I lost my passion for experimenting in the kitchen, I became uninspired to see what new things I could bake. There was just absolutely zero brainstorming of all the potential desserts I could make. Instead, I felt dread. One of my biggest outlets became a major cause for stress and hurt. 

Fast forward to this month, I’ve slowly (and I mean reaaaallyyy slowly) regained that passion I've been missing. I started going through my recipe books, googling new recipes, bookmarking them, and even just the slightest “Ooo I wanna make this” felt like an achievement for me. BUT, on the actual baking side of things, I feel more incompetent nowadays and like I’ve lost a majority of my skills. Things I used to easily do all the time have become more problematic for me. I guess it’s alright to say that I still haven’t quite gotten back my passion to the fullest, but at the end of the day I know I would take and appreciate even the slightest of progress. God knows how tough it has been for me...  

Here are a few of my favourite cakes that I've made over the years...

Can't go wrong with a unicorn cake! 🦄

One of my all time favs, I call it a Banana Dream Cake because to me it looks so dreamyy 🍌✨

I remember making this when I was at my low, inspired by a quote from one of my favourite books.
 "To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered" ☾



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